Emergency Dental Care in Las Vegas, NV

Dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly, causing pain and distress. When you face a dental emergency, it's essential to know that your dental team is on your side.

At Desert Ridge Dental, you can rely on our experienced team for prompt and compassionate care. Dr. Nini Nguyen and our dental professionals are well-equipped to handle various dental emergencies in Las Vegas and the surrounding areas, including Southern Highlands, Silverado Ranch, Mountain’s Edge, and Spring Valley, NV.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency refers to any sudden and severe dental problem that requires immediate attention to prevent further complications and relieve pain. Common dental emergencies include:

Severe Toothache

Persistent and intense tooth pain that interferes with your daily activities may indicate an underlying dental issue. In many cases, an infection or a cracked tooth is to blame.

Missing Teeth

It is common for teeth to get knocked out due to trauma or injury. Taking immediate action is crucial to increase the chances of successfully reimplanting knocked-out teeth.

Broken or Fractured Tooth

A broken or fractured tooth can cause significant pain and sensitivity. Prompt dental care can prevent further damage and infection.

Loose or Dislodged Tooth

Teeth that are loose or out of position due to trauma require immediate attention to stabilize and save the tooth.

Abscess or Swelling

A painful, swollen bump on the gums may indicate an abscess. This is a serious dental infection that requires urgent treatment.

Dental Bleeding

Excessive bleeding from the mouth due to trauma or injury should be addressed urgently to control the bleeding and prevent complications.

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Here are a few ways that Dr. Nguyen suggests handling a dental emergency:

Stay Calm

Dental emergencies can be pretty stressful, but it's essential to stay as calm as possible. Remaining calm will help you think clearly and take appropriate actions.

Carefully Rinse Your Mouth

If there is debris or blood in your mouth, gently rinse with warm water to clean the area. This will allow you to assess your situation better, too.

Preserve a Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth gets dislodged or knocked out, handle it by the crown (the top part) and avoid touching the roots (the part below the gumline). 

If possible, gently rinse the tooth with water and try to place it back into the socket. If reinserting the tooth is not possible, keep it moist by placing it in a container of saline solution or milk.

Control Bleeding

Use a clean cloth or gauze to apply gentle pressure to any bleeding areas in the mouth to help slow down bleeding.

Use a Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress to the outside of the affected area to reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

When to Go to the ER Instead

While dental emergencies require immediate attention, there are instances when a visit to the emergency room (ER) is necessary. You should go to the ER if:

  • You have experienced a head or neck injury in addition to dental trauma.
  • You are experiencing severe bleeding that does not stop.
  • You have difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  • You have a high fever and swelling in the face, which may indicate a severe dental infection.

Need Urgent Care? Contact Desert Ridge Dental for Dental Emergencies

When facing a dental crisis, time is of the essence. Contact Desert Ridge Dental immediately, and our caring team will do our best to accommodate your emergency visit. Dr. Nini Nguyen and our experienced professionals will assess your condition, provide pain relief, and formulate a treatment plan to address your dental emergency effectively.

Our emergency dentist serves patients in Southern Highlands, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Mountain’s Edge, and Las Vegas, NV. Get urgent care now by calling (602) 214-2541.

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Serving patients in Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Mt’s Edge, Southern Highlands, Spring Valley, NV and Beyond.
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Serving patients in Las Vegas, Silverado Ranch, Mt’s Edge, Southern Highlands, Spring Valley, NV and Beyond.
(702) 899-6650

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